Track your sewing and all of the progress you make at the sewing machine with these 4 clever ways to feel super productive!
Continue reading 4 Ways to Track your SewingTrack your sewing and all of the progress you make at the sewing machine with these 4 clever ways to feel super productive!
Continue reading 4 Ways to Track your SewingWe are streamlining, sunsetting, and making changes as we look to the future of Below the Kōwhai…
Continue reading Streamlining and Sunsetting: The Future of BTK6 ways to quilt, featuring unique, alternative ideas for quilting by hand or with a sewing machine. Perfect for additional inspiration for our Quilted Honu Vest.
Continue reading 6 Ways to QuiltTips for quick sewing for maximum productivity and economy. I’ll be sharing how I sewed our Tio Trousers quickly but you can apply these tips to almost all garments!
Continue reading Tips for Quick SewingJoin our Sew-Along and use our popular Rimu Dress sewing pattern to create this cute ruffle top!
Continue reading Girls Rimu Top – a ruffle top hackUse our Tweens sewing pattern to create your own beach Cover Up!
Continue reading Women’s size Tuatua Cover UpAdd cute or dramatic paperbag waistband’s to your garments with these easy steps!
Continue reading How to Sew a Paperbag WaistbandFollow these easy waistband steps to simplify your sewing for faster garments!
Continue reading Easy Waistband FinishingWe are making changes to the way we provide our paper patterns!
Continue reading Our New Print ServiceI’ve been logging my sews as a celebration of time and creativity. Here is my sewing journal from the first half of the year!
Continue reading Sophie’s Sewing JournalYour guide to adventure friendly fabrics to sew for hiking and the outdoors!
Continue reading Sew for hiking and the outdoorsDeep, vibrant, soft, and muted hues all make up our first collection of BTK fabric NZ New Zealand.
Continue reading Introducing our BTK Fabric NZ collection!