Recently my local Knit World asked me if I would like to create a window display in their Christchurch store and showcase my samples and digital sewing patterns! Yes! Absolutely! I jumped at the chance.
I spent one week thinking, planning and creating my display.
Thinking + Planning
For me this was a defining moment in my brand. How do I represent Below The Kōwhai off the screen and in real experiential life?
I mulled over what Below The Kōwhai would look like in a regular store. In my mind it felt playful, innocent, tactile. It would be something you want to reach out and touch. Something that pulls you back to the simplicities of childhood… Of exploring, adventures and quiet moments of discovery.
I thought about which samples I had already and what I needed to pull it all together to create a cohesive look. I wanted navy in the mix so sewed a navy velveteen Tui Pinafore live on Facebook to add to the collection.
I used 6 different green colours of card and board and cut out a triangular shaped leaf back drop. It felt bright and playful, simple and bold. The leaves, although just smooth 2D card, were bent and shaped and had holes and jagged edges which felt tactile and interesting to view.
I free-styled the leaves and created my own templates in my head. I drew inspiration from New Zealand native ferns and cabbage tree leaves.
My husband chopped down an elder tree branch and I wove a cut out kōwhai leaf pattern around it, made from a chartreuse yellow card.
L – R: Mānuka Skirt, Pipi Top, Tui Pinafore
Final Window Display
I feel like the final window display speaks to those feelings of nostalgic innocence and playfulness and it’s a joy to see my patterns collected together and displayed for you to see!
If you’re in Christchurch, New Zealand over the next 2-3 weeks I hope you’ll stop by Knit World on Peterborough Street and see the window display for yourself. Sneak inside the window and have a touch of the linen, stroke the velvet, and enjoy!
Thanks for having me Knit World!
Love and happy sewing,
Sophie x