This is a never seen before glimpse into life behind the scenes at Below the Kōwhai and what it looks like for it’s creator, Sophie. Enjoy this story book by Camilla, age 6.
“The tale of My Mummy.”
Written by Camilla, illustrated by Camilla.
At my house I have a Mum called Sophie. Sophie likes sewing patterns. First she has a practice a few times.
She practices about 4 or 3 times. She has made a pinafore and now a coat. I like the outside clothing because it is so soft and smooth!!!
My Mum is so good at sewing patterns on Facebook.
I don’t like trying her patterns on!!!!
I think my Mum is so clever.
I think my Mum is so kind.
My Friend Mummy.
This is a true story about my Mum.
Do you want to learn more about Below the Kōwhai? Visit our About page and dive into our sewing patterns.
Oh my goodness this is cute!